Friday, March 21, 2014

Trial Blogging Task

Post your Trial Entry by March 28th, 10 AM. 

Share with your classmate your favorite video/song.  
In no more than 300 words tell us what the song/video is about, why it is important. Also, tell us
  •   Who created the message?
  • What creative techniques were in the video used to draw my attention?
  • How might different people understand this message differently?
  • What values, lifestyles and points of view are represented, or omitted from this video/message
  • Why is this message being sent?
* Do not re-write the questions in the entry, instead use them as pointer to structure your entry.
* Use a catchy title and use some media (picture/short video segment) to reinforce or illustrate your point
* Do it on time.
* If you run into any problem, let us know.

Thursday, March 20, 2014


This is a space for interaction that we have created as part of our class. We hope this becomes a platform to express freely, exchange ideas and reflections and share materials and links that can help us expand our knowledge about the cultural diversity of the English-Speaking countries.

This blogging task has been structured in groups of 7/8 people which means we will have a total of 10 different blogs for the two parallel sessions.  Mr Villa's group of bloggers (parallel 1) will be groups 1 through 5 and Ms Glas's (parallel 2) will be groups 6 through 10.

All the blogs will be connected to this master blog, so that you are encouraged not only to participate in your own blogs, but to read, reflect and expand on entries initiated by members of the other groups. (You can comment only on entries written by groups of your class, but you can still read and reflect on the other class's entries).
Although you will be working in groups we will assess your individual participation. 

Key dates and tasks
  • The blogging task for this class is structured into a minimum of three activities: one trial entry and two graded entries. 
  • Please send your trial entry BEFORE Friday, March 28th, 10 am. If you experience any technical difficulty at that stage we can still fix it before the graded entries.
  • Please send your first to-grade entry BEFORE Friday, May 2nd, 10am.
  • Please send your second to-grade entry BEFORE Friday, May 30th, 10am. 
  • On the weekends after the deadlines, COMMENT on your classmates' entries. The comments will be evaluated, too.
  • The blog grades will be made ON THE MONDAYs AFTER the deadlines.  
  • You are very welcome to add more entries than the minimum required ones, and of course you can ALWAYS add comments on what your classmates have written.

  • ·          Do not wait until the end of the semester to engage with the blogging community.

  • ·         You should respond to at least three entries posted by your classmates. Your response could support, expand and/or contradict your classmate´s opinion presenting a clear argument and using some evidence to illustrate your point.

  • ·         You should produce high quality entries that further discussion and reflection.

Here some tips for your entries:

  • ·         You are free to write the first entry in Spanish, but after mid-terms entries should be only written in English.

  • ·         Review your post before submitting it. Check your spelling, grammar and even your use of language.

  • ·         Make sure you do not offend anyone with your comments. Avoid sarcasm and profanity.

  • ·         Use clear and academic language.

  • Respect yourself and your readers´time.Do not post unnecessary materials or get your comments linked to unsuitable sites.

  • ·         Blogging is a community activity and as such it requires from you to get involved. Reply to your classmates only if you feel you have something “smart” to say. Avoid posts that simply confirm or reject information.

  • ·         Use pictures and/or media to reinforce your point not just for “decoration”.