Friday, March 21, 2014

Trial Blogging Task

Post your Trial Entry by March 28th, 10 AM. 

Share with your classmate your favorite video/song.  
In no more than 300 words tell us what the song/video is about, why it is important. Also, tell us
  •   Who created the message?
  • What creative techniques were in the video used to draw my attention?
  • How might different people understand this message differently?
  • What values, lifestyles and points of view are represented, or omitted from this video/message
  • Why is this message being sent?
* Do not re-write the questions in the entry, instead use them as pointer to structure your entry.
* Use a catchy title and use some media (picture/short video segment) to reinforce or illustrate your point
* Do it on time.
* If you run into any problem, let us know.

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